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Cerca qui la traduzione latino-tedesco di robur nel dizionario PONS! Trainer lessicale, tabelle di coniugazione verbi, funzione di pronuncia gratis.
It can refer to: Robur the Conqueror, an 1886 novel by Jules Verne, also known as The Clipper of the Clouds. Master of the World (novel), Verne's sequel novel, starring the same character Robur (truck), an East German truck brand Robur Group, an Italian heating and cooling manufacturer English words for robus include strength, hardiness, toughness, force, stronghold, oak, vigor, resolution, resoluteness and obduration. Find more Latin words at Traduci i tuoi testi con la miglior tecnologia di traduzioni automatica al mondo, sviluppata dai creatori di Linguee. Linguee.
Gen. roboris. Dat. robori. Acc. rōbŭr. Da robur, fer auxílium. Uni trinóque Dómino Sit sempitérna glória, Qui vitam sine término. Nobis donet in pátria.
Guarda le traduzioni di ‘robur’ in italiano.
How to say robur in Latin? Pronunciation of robur with 1 audio pronunciation and more for robur.
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Traduzioni contestuali di "robur" Latino-Italiano. Frasi ed esempi di traduzione: farnia, from old oak, potenza e forza, quercia gentile, forza e coraggio.
robur, English translation of this Latin word: strength. The Latin word robur in English: strength. How to […]
Consultez la traduction latin-allemand de robur dans le dictionnaire PONS qui inclut un entraîneur de vocabulaire, les tableaux de conjugaison et les prononciations. Automatically generated examples in Latin: "Tum vero tremefacta novus per pectora cunctis / insinuat pavor ; et scelus expendisse merentem / Laocoonta ferunt, sacrum qui cuspide robur / læserit et tergo sceleratam intorserit hastam." Tatoeba.org Sentence 6706352 "Fortitudo mea et robur meum Dominus, et factus est mihi in salutem."
5 Dizionario botanico latino, italiano, piemontese, francese, inglese roverella. Quercus robur. Da robur, fer auxílium. Uni trinóque Dómino Sit sempitérna glória, Qui vitam sine término.
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English Translation. support.
robore. Robor-is. robor. Roboro (v.
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Robur have been delivering their tailor-made solutions to customers worldwide for over 65 years, and service a wide number of industries. The company name, Robur, is Latin for oak and represents their core product values: strength and reliability.
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